Workshops and Training
I feel extremely grateful to have been introduced and initiated to Essences by two men I perceive as having been my « masters » in this field and with whom I have developed deep friendships. I refer here to Daniel Mapel of the Wild Earth Animal Essences and to Steve Johnson of the Alaskan Essences, who sadly passed away three years ago. His beautiful essences carry on helping many, thanks to Judith Poelarands, Steve’s wife, who is now looking after them supported by the staff of this long established range. I feel very fortunate to have received Steve’s and Daniel’s teachings and to be able now, to pass them on in my own way.
I feel also very grateful to my essences – The Atlantic Essences – for the teachings they have given me and carry on to do now and am really happy to share them with you (
In the trainings that I offer, I can also include other ranges such as the “Bach Flower Essences” and the “Australian Bush Essences
Training for Therapists:
I propose several trainings, either on a one to one basis or as group training.
One day Introduction to Vibrational Essences
During the day, you will learn what are Essences, how to differentiate Flower/Animal/Gem and Environmental Essences, and see how you can include them in your therapy work. You will also be shown how to select them and how they can be used.
During the day, we will focus on one range in particular. I am often asked to speak about my own range of Essences, the Atlantic Essences, but it is possible to work with the Australian Bush Essences or the Wild Earth Animal Essences.
You will go home with your own bottle of combined essences and the invitation is for you to journey with them afterwards so that you can further experience them.
It is possible to schedule a second day where we can go deeper on the knowledge of the Essences and also learn about another range.
Individual training
Based in Haute Normandie (near Pont-Audemer)
Cost: €300 (lunch included)
Group training
Can be in Haute Normandie or a place nearby. If you know a group of therapists who would like to receive this training together, please do contact me and we will explore the different possibilities for the training to happen.
In my own space, I can receive between 3 and 8 people at the most. I would also consider traveling to you and give the training at a venue of your choice if it is within one hour (each way) of Pont-Audemer; in this case, the number of participants will depend on how many therapists in your group would be interested and the size of your venue.
Cost: is variable as depends on how many participants are attending so thank you for contacting me so that we can explore your needs.
In depth 6 months training
I offer this training for therapists who wish to incorporate Essences in their work. The one to one training allows for this training to take place within a personal and professional context, i.e. you may wish to focus on particular areas you are working on in your personal life so that you can integrate the teachings in a deep relevant way and then apply them to your practice.
The best way to understand and learn about Essences is to travel with them.
Here is the feedback of Agnes, an EFT therapist who took on this training:
“Until a year ago, I knew nothing about Essences. Until I attended a week-end workshop with Muriel’s sister, Frédérique who introduced us to one essence with whom I journeyed and to which I had a deep response, so much so I didn’t want to let it go as I felt really good, strong and grounded. The journey had begun. I am an EFT Therapist (Emotional Freedom Techniques) based in Rouen. My first contact with Muriel felt instantly really good. I felt her radiance and how grounded she is and wanted to understand the force I felt coming from her.
As I went through the training, meeting each month, I discovered all types of Essences, their subtlety, simplicity and power. I also saw Muriel as an incredible teacher – being humble and having been trained by real masters in her line of work – a centered therapist and an extra-ordinary woman.
Thanks to her, this 6 months training – adapted to my own journey – has invited me to embark on a deep healing path, to understand my feelings further, develop my intuition, and to do this in a grounded way. This journey has been supported by all the essences I connected with and those I took home with me month after month. And we completed my training with the creation of my own first essence.
Since then, I carry on the journey with the Atlantic Essences. Their spiritual vibration is really adapted to the changes we are going through and all those around us”.
The general format of this 6 months training is to meet up on a monthly basis but it is possible to slightly alter it by meeting less or more regularly, depending on our mutual time schedules.
One to one training
In Haute Normandie (near Pont-Audemer)
Cost: € 300 per day (includes training material, your own 30 ml bottle of blended Essences and lunch)
Group training
In Haute Normandie (near Pont-Audemer). If you know a group of therapists who would like to receive this training together, please do contact me and together we will explore the different possibilities for the training to happen.
In my own space, I can receive groups between 3 and 8 people at the most.
I can adapt the format of the training according to the needs of your group.
Cost: vary depending on number of participants.
Introduction to Vibrational Essences for our day to day lives and personal growth
Venue: my own venue in Haute-Normandie near Pont-Audemer or can be at a venue of your choice in close proximity to Pont-Audemer (within one hour each way).
This introduction is addressed to any person who feels curious to explore how Essences can support them on their path.
In the time we will be spending together, we will explore how Essences can help you connect with your emotions and feelings, how they can be of great support during intense times as well as how you can embark on a journey with them, embracing a great potential for transformation.
The format
It is interesting to do this journey as a group. So if you know a number of people who would like to go on this initiation with you, please do not hesitate to contact me. Together, we will find what is most conducive for you and your group.
Here are some suggestions. We could meet:
- 2 hours a week for 6 weeks,
- 2 half days (which can be duplicated)
- One full day
The first option would need to take place in my own venue but the two others can also take place at another venue within a short distance of Pont-Audemer.
Cost: will vary depending on your requests and choices. If you may be interested, please do contact me so that we can discuss further.
For those who cannot physically go to a venue, or are based elsewhere than France, this particular Introduction to Essences can be organized remotely via Zoom or Skype, in English or French.
Rendez-vous with the solstices and equinoxes
I am currently developing with Agnès Pauper (EFT therapist) a series of 4 one day workshops which will take place on the days of the solstices and equinoxes between 2020 and 2021, i.e.:
Autumn Equinox 22nd September 2020
Winter solstice 21st December 2020
Spring Equinox 20th March 2021
Summer Solstice 21st June 2021
The days will be focused on connecting with Mother Earth, honoring the 4 elements, sitting in circle and bringing the gifts that EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) and vibrational Essences can offer us during these particular times.
If you are interested to know more, please do not hesitate to contact me.